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Our project is supported by the Saint Rémy lès Chevreuse tourist office as well as by several associations such as Arc en Ciel or IMAGIN. Besides, we have applied for funding to some firms (Salomon, Au vieux campeur for sport equipment; Mairie de Paris, Val de Marne and Yvelines General Council).​


What would be the assets for our sponsors:​

- Our website is the key element of our project. It will be updated very often so that you can follow us step by step. We will publish pictures, interviews and texts in three different languages: French, English and Spanish.
- Projections are for 3 000 visitors in one year. The software that we use provides us regular and detailed reports on the traffic on the website.
- The website is the place where we can promote our sponsors by putting their logo, a link to their website and how they helped us.


   Test & promotion:
- The opportunity to try your equipment during 8 months, in intense and demanding conditions, followed by a detailed and personalized report  when we come back.
- Free from right photographs on your request presenting the brand, equipment, logo in beautiful landscapes.

   Press, conferences:

- When we come back, we will organize conferences, exhibitions and meet-up with places of cultural significance and schools.


The subsidies obtained will determine all the financing of the project. If you think that our project is pertinent and achievable, we invite you to share it and participate. We are still looking for sponsors.​


We already thank all of the sponsors and associations that support us in this incredible adventure!

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